Community Brush Pile
We are fortunate to have access to a community brush pile which accepts yard-cleanup materials. The pile is then burned every year on a winter date to be announced. Stay tuned, and see the links below for details…
Highway 49 Cleanup
Our group has responsibility for roadside cleanup of the Three Lakes Road each spring and fall. Click below for details…
Water Sampling and Secchi Disk
We’ve been sampling water quality and recording clarity under the MPCA’s Citizens Lake Monitoring Program since 1995.
We have completed our sampling for water quality for 2024. A summary of this year’s results is available below to click on and read, or to download, here:
Our results are reported annually, and can be viewed under the MN DNR LakeFinder pages found in the Government Links menu tab.
The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) conducts periodic watershed assessments based in part on the Citizens Lake Monitoring Program data. Their study of the Cloquet River watershed, to which Rose, Elora, Winkle, and Dodo Lakes belong, was published in July 2018, and can be accessed here:
MPCA and local partner agencies have developed a plan, called a Watershed Restoration and Protection Strategies (WRAPS) report, to restore and protect water quality in the Cloquet River Watershed. This draft report can be accessed here:
The St. Louis River Watershed study, to which Strand and Schisler Lakes and Bug Creek and the Whiteface River belong, was completed in 2013, and can be accessed here:
NEW ITEM – Rose Lake resident Gary Lindberg has produced a study on the current water level status in Rose Lake. His comprehensive report can be found here, click the link below to read or download: